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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Google launches paid Helpout video service

Google has launched a service that lets consumers pay for live video chats with experts who can provide everything from step-by-step turkey cooking instructions to marriage counselling.

Google Helpouts put you in touch with experts in a particular field regarding which you have a query and you can then ask questions and resolve your issue. Helpouts include everything from experts on grooming, cooking, health experts, fun activities and also hardware and software experts. 

The search giant has collaborated with over a 1000 experts (multiple in each field) and answers a multitude of questions related to anything and everything under the sun. While some queries in each section are free, most of the Helpouts will set you back by anything from $1 per minute to $100 per Helpout. The answer to your query can last from anywhere between seconds to hours, depending on the intricacy, price and the question.

Currently, the sections under which you can ask questions are Art & Music, Computers & Electronics, Cooking, Education & Careers, Fashion & Beauty, Fitness & Nutrition, Health and Home & Garden. The service could be seen as an extension of the traditional Google Search engine which offers information on anything and everything under the sun. However, post a search and you often get millions of results. Too much of something can spoil efforts and the multiple results often confuse readers than solving their problems. There already exist help forums and groups on Facebook/Twitter that provide such services. 

Currently, Google charges 20 percent of the fees charged by experts for solutions. However, health-care segment is exempt from transaction fees. Incase you’re not satisfied with the help offered, Google also refunds the amount. There’s an option to leave opinions on experts in the comments section which can also assist other help-seekers. 

"Most of the world's useful information still resides in people's heads," Udi Manber, vice president of engineering at Google said at a small briefing with reporters in San Francisco on Monday. Helpouts "opens the door to that information as well."

The service sure sounds interesting and might be good. However, currently, Google does not screen any applicants and anyone can sign up to offer services on Helpout. It might lead to some confusion with even non-experts signing up and offering services.

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